WELCOME! To CRUSH! in the following action packed fact filled pages you'll find information on CRUSH! rules, screens, players, teams, and leagues! It's all right here! Ahem... Er, excuse me overly enthusiastic one, but where do I find the installation and setup information? Ack! You actually read that stuff? Er, I mean why that's a very good question and you'll find that techno babble in the tech.txt file. Now without further adieu may I present the CRUSH! table of contents! 1.0 - Introduction to CRUSH! 2.0 - The game of CRUSH! 3.0 - Exhibition screen 4.0 - Game screen 5.0 - Player Attributes and Actions 1.0 INTRODUCTION TO CRUSH! CRUSH! is a exciting turned based strategy sports game of mayhem and carnage set far into the future. Aliens and men battle through labyrinth like arenas in a frantic search for the B.A.L.L. (Bionic, Augmented, Lower, Life form). The first team to find the ball and reach the goal wins! If your idea of fun is bone crunching checks and raging battles for possession then look no further. CRUSH! the season is open! 2.0 THE GAME OF CRUSH! NOTE: to avoid confusion throughout the rules the entity, i.e. human or computer, which controls a team will be referred to as the COACH. The maniacs which actually battle it out in the arena will be referred to as the PLAYERS. The object of CRUSH! is to be the first of the three competing teams to score a goal. The first goal scored wins the game. Before a goal can be scored the ball must first be located. A normal game of CRUSH! begins with the playing order chosen at random. The teams then proceed in order taking turns until one of the following conditions is meet: a goal is scored, 20 turns expire, or if no players are left in the arena or on Deck. The last two situations result in the game being declared a draw. The playing field, or arena is a completely enclosed labyrinth like structure 32 tiles in length and 32 tiles in width. Four Goals are located in each of the arenas four corners. When the ball is located only one of these Goals will be active, the others will power down. Which goal remains active is based upon in which Ball Bin the ball was found. The Goal which remains active will be the one which is exactly opposite the location where the ball was found. For example, if the ball is found in the lower right section of the arena the active Goal will be in the upper left section. The active Goal is the only Goal that will count as a score should a player with the ball enter it. There are 8 Ball Bins located throughout the arena. A Ball Bin consists of a wall mounted dispenser unit and a Foot Pad located at it's base. Players must step upon the Foot Pad to active the Ball Bin. Only 1 of the Ball Bins actually contains the ball, the other 7 are rigged to electrocute the activating player. This electrical charge is mild however and does not usually result in player injury. Traps are also located throughout the arena and electrocute any player that enters the tile in which they are located. Most Traps appear as skulls with flashing red eyes but other types of Traps can be found in different arenas. They vary only in appearance however, and there is only one type of Trap per arena. The electrical charge from Traps is more powerful than the charge from Ball Bins and can be lethal. The only way to avoid triggering a Trap is to jump over it. (For more information on jumping see the section titled Player Attributes and Actions.) In CRUSH! the game begins with no players in the arena, instead on each team's turn one player from that team is warped into the game. The player will appear at one of the 8 Warp Nodes. Which Warp Node the player will appear at is determined at random. Warp Nodes can also be used to allow rapid but erratic movement through the arena. The player needs only to step back on the Warp Node and the Warp Node will automatically warp the player to a random Node. The disorientating effects of warping will cause the player to lose any remaining action points. (For more information on action points se the section titled Player Attributes and Actions.) If another player occupies the Warp Node where the player is warping to then that player will be bounced to another Warp Node. This bouncing of players will continue until either an empty Warp Node is reached or the Warp Node malfunctions! This results in the player being mutated into a blob! Needless to say the player isn't quite himself after the experience, in fact the player isn't quite anything! The teams Docbot will eventually be able to sort the player out but he must miss the rest of the game. The other players hate getting bits of blob stuck on their boots and smeared over their jerseys! Plus blobs are incapable of just about anything other than quivering and getting smeared and stuck on things! Warp Nodes appear as pulsating arcs of power contained within a circle. 3.0 EXHIBITION SCREEN While most of the Exhibition screen displays functions should be apparent the following is a summary of the less obvious commands. To select Player One, Two, or Three without changing the name you must click on the actual box containing the name. Once a box is selected the controller, (either human or computer), and team colors can be selected, the name itself can be changed at any time by simply clicking on it. Human coaches purchase players to make up there team, only 9 players are allowed and they may not have a value greater than the teams starting treasury, within theses restrictions coaches are free to select any combination of players that they like. Any left over credit is lost in exhibition play and coaches are not required to spend all their credits. It is possible to play CRUSH! with just two teams in a traditional versus mode, simple refrain from purchasing any players for the third team and make sure that it is under human control. There are several different terrains used through out the arena, most are contained with in a particular set. These all have the same effect upon play however and differ only in their appearance. 4.0 GAME SCREEN Summary of Game Screen Display Functions... Player Attributes Display Location: Upper Left Hand Corner of Bar Function: Displays the Players name, number and attribute scores. Team Status Display Location: Lower Left Hand Corner of Bar Function: Displays the current status of each player on the coach's team. A player can be selected by simply clicking on the appropriate team display box. 00 to 80 - number of Action Points remaining DECK - means the player is waiting to warp into the game. STUN - the player is temporarily incapacitated and will recover in the next turn, stunned players are counted as being down. HURT - the player has been hurt and sustained a non-fatal injury, hurt players are removed from play. DEAD - the player is dead and is removed from play. BLOB - the player has been mutated by a warp node accident and is removed from play Arena Map Display Location: Far Right Hand Corner of Bar Function: Shows a overhead map of the arena. GRAY LINES - Arena Walls WHITE DOTS - Location of foot pads ELECTRIC BLUE DOTS - Location of warp node Bright ELECTRIC BLUE SQUARE - Location of the active goal Dark ELECTRIC BLUE SQUARE - Location of deactivated goals COLORED DOTS - Location of players in the arena, the color of the dot corresponds to the teams jersey color Game Information Display Location: Right Hand Side of Bar Function: Displays current team's turn, team's name and colors, turn order, time remaining for turn, time outs remaining, turns remaining, ball pads left untried or how many tiles the ball is from the active goal. BUTTON CLUSTER Location: Middle of Bar Options Button Shape: Triangular Description: Question Mark Function: Brings up options menu, NOTE: selecting the A. I. Control option turn control of the current team over to the computer. The Exit Game option end the entire game even with multiple human opponents. End Button Shape: Wedge Description: "END" Function: Ends the current teams turn. Previous and Next Buttons Shape: Arrows pointing outward Description: Man Icon with little Man Icon above or below the Man Icon Function: Selects the next player in order or the previous player in order. Overhead Attribute Display Buttons Shape : Wedge, flanking the Options Button Description: Man Icon with script under him Function: Displays attributes over top of players in the arena. Movement Button Shape: Diamond Description: Running Man Icon Function: Is default selected button and allows a coach to move the currently selected player. The first click displays the path the player will move along, clicking again anywhere along the path cause the player to move to the tile last clicked on. Movement cost 10 Action Points per tile moved. Checking Button Shape: Inverted Triangle Description: Checking Men Icon Function: Displays which opponents a player may check, clicking on the player that you wish to check will cause your player to throw a check. Checking cost 20 Action Points per check thrown and may be used repeatedly. Jumping Button Shape: Diamond Description: Jumping Man Icon Function: Shows which tiles a player may jump to, clicking on any check marked tile will cause the player to jump to that tile. Jumping cost 30 Action Points per jump and may be used repeatedly in a turn. Hurling and Handoff Button Shape: Diamond Description: Hurling Man Icon Function: if the player possesses the ball allows the following actions. Hurl Ball Away: click on the player holding the ball, this action costs 20 Action points to perform and will cause the player to hurl the ball a great distance in a random direction. This action ends the entire teams turn. Handoff Ball: click on the player you wish to hand the ball off to, this action cost 10 Action Points from the ball carrier only and must be performed before the ball carrier moves. A player can move, pick up the ball and then handoff, but could not move with the ball and then handoff. Handoff are automatically successful with a 5% chance of failure. Side Bar Button Shape: Diamond Description: Flexing Man Icon Function: Brings up the Side Bar Display Side Bar Display Function: Shows player front view picture, name, value and statistics for game. In league play it also displays, experience, seasons played, injuries, attributes (i.e. skills and abilities), equipment, season statistics, and career statistics. Player Statistics are listed in abbreviated codes. RS - Rushing Attempts RT - Tiles Rushed RA - Rushing Average GL - Goals Scored, league statistic only CT - Checks Thrown CL - Checks Landed CA - Checking Average SK - Sacks, knocking down a ball carrier CF - Carnage For KF - Kills For IF - Injuries For PA - Pads Activated End OF Game Statistics Screen At the end of every game a detailed statistics briefing is given which compares team and leaders statistics. The MVP is also award based upon game performance and information which effects league play is also provide. 5.0 PLAYER ATTRIBUTES AND ACTIONS In Exhibition play each Species possesses 9 attributes 9 stats and one ability which is unique to that Species, these attributes effect how players of that species will perform in the arena. NOTE: with all attributes the higher the number the better. Action Points - AP This determines how many actions the player may perform in a single turn. Each action cost a certain number of AP such as moving which cost 10, each time a player performs an action the cost is deducted from his AP when a player runs out of AP he may no longer act until his next turn except for reactive checking, ( more on this later), a coach can move a player, move another player, and then come back and finish moving the first player he moved. Checking Score - CH This is how good a player is at checking an opponent or defending against a check. Strength Score - ST This determines the effects of a successful check and rather it results in a player being unaffected, stunned, hurt, or killed. Interfaces with TG. Toughness Score - TG This determines the players ability to resist stuns, injuries, or death. Interfaces with ST. Reflexes Score - RF This is the percentage chance that each time an opponent enters a tile adjacent to the player that the player will lash out with a reactive check. Jumping Score - JP This is the percentage chance that a player will be able to successful jump over a tile. Hands Score - HD This is the percentage chance that the player will be able to grab a loose ball. Dodge Ability Score - DA This is the percentage chance that each time a player is checked he will dodge the check avoiding it completely. Cost - This is not an actual attribute but reflects the value of the player in credits. Ability - Each Species possesses an ability that is unique to that Species, there effects are as follows. HUMAN - Uncommon Valor Allows a human to 30% of the time ignore the rule which normal forces injured players to leave the game. Note, in league play the player will still suffer the effects of the injury, also this does not effect killed results. CURMIAN - High Jump Allows the Curmian to jump over standing players and all jumps cost only 20 AP to execute. DRAGORAN - Pop Up Allows the Dragoran to get up at a cost of only 10 AP. GRONK - Regeneration Allows the Gronk to ignore 25% of all injuries regardless of rather they were hurt or killed. The Gronk must re-warp into the game however. Note, in league play this ability will be contingent upon the injury received and have other effects as well. KURGAN - Bloodlust Cause the Kurgan to enter into a killing frenzy whenever it kills an opponent, the Kurgan immediately has his AP reset to 60 and attacks the closest player, friend or foe, this continues until the Kurgan runs out of AP or is knocked down. Note, if the Kurgan should kill another player while in Bloodlust then his AP is reset again. This means that it is theoretically possible for the Kurgan to wipe out a great number of enemies or friends in a single turn. NYNAX - Hive Mind When a Nynax is in the arena and another Nynax on the same team is in the arena as well each Nynax receives a 2 pt bonus to all attributes except for AP which receives none, and DA which receives a 1 pt bonus. Note this effect is cumulative, so a team with 6 Nynaxs in the arena would give each Nynax a bonus of 10 pt to each attribute and a 5 pt bonus to DA. SLITH - Deathreek When the Slith is injured a noxious cloud is released and all adjacent players collapse from the stench. If killed, all players with in 2 tiles of the Slith will suffer the above effect. XJS9000 - Gyro Stabilizer Normally when a player activates a warp node the disorienting effects of warping causes them to lose any remaining AP, the XJS9000 however does not suffer this effect and may continue to act. PLAYER ACTIONS Moving and Jumping AP Cost - 10 per tile, 30 per jump Checking and Reactive Checking AP Cost - 20 per check, 0 occurs automatically Note, the player making the reactive check can not suffer any negative effects. Grab Ball AP Cost - 20 per attempt Note, if a player fails to grab the ball then that players turn ends. Note, this action occurs automatic when a player attempts to enter a tile containing the ball, if a player with only 10 AP remaining enters a tile with the ball then the ball automatically scatters. Hurl Ball Away AP Cost - 20 per attempt Note, the ball will be hurled a random distance in a random direction. Handoff Ball AP Cost - 10 per attempt Note, must be done before the ball carrier moves. Activate Warp Node AP Cost - none, simply move on to warp node Note, the player will lose any remaining AP. Activate Foot Pad AP Cost - none, simply move on to foot pad 1